Wednesday, January 6

Will You Respect Me In the Morning?

Well...I snuck in some time today while The Smallest one was at school, and then more time while she was watching High School Musical after kindergarten (only a half day up here in the frozen North). With the time after kids are in bed, my tally for the day comes in at 4 hours! Boo-yah!

Since Catherine had a snappy picture of her scarf, I have included a picture of the quilt squares, all completed and ready to be assembled at the next opportunity. After putting them all together, I realized that when I changed the colors used in the original, I should have thought more about how the new colors would all work together. They're not bad together, but they're not as harmonious as I would like. I did also make a mistake interpreting the colors. The original has a light pink and a medium pink which are almost impossible to differentiate on the guide. I think the blue, red and yellow square should have white instead of yellow. Oh well. I'm too lazy to fix it.

I have a greater respect for the Log Cabin block as a result of this exercise. There's the aforementioned color selection, and I think I've become a better quilter. I take my time and check to make sure things are square before I proceed, which I don't always do. I have to be more careful with my seam allowances, and all those other quilty things. So, while I hope to never make this block again (after I make the twin to this quilt), it has been a learning experience. Thus, Log Cabin block, I give you credit for not being a mindless bit of sewing.

6 big fat hours for me.


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