Friday, January 15

The Pitiful Sweater

So first, I'm excited because I found the Ray Charles song that's sampled for Golddigger. Always fun to find random stuff.

Back to the sewing...

All that's left on the quilt is to sew those loose bits of binding, and I've put that off a little bit. Did some work on the Birthday cross-stitch at the girls' choir last night, but then after bedtime, it was on to the pitiful toddler sweater.

That's Hagrid the cat there on the sweater. He thought it was lovely to sit on. He coordinates.

I should explain the use of pitiful. Our fabulous Grandmother, the knitting one, grew up in the South, where people say, "Bless her heart" to indicate that someone just hadn't quite accomplished something because of some reason that they were too genteel to mention. My Grandmother used to refer to those types of people as pitiful. She also said that my nails, which I chewed on frequently, were pitiful. Thus, it's a pitiful sweater.

I started this when we were living in Boston and my son was around two years old. He's 11 now. I did the front and then started on the back and realized that something was wrong because I was running out of yarn pretty quickly and there were still two sleeves to go. So I went back to the yarn shop (or should it be shoppe?) and they didn't have any more dark grey. So I got the light grey and decided to put it randomly in the sleeves so it looked like I did it on purpose, not out of desperation.

I worked on it steadily for quite a bit, and then stopped. When I picked it back up, I had started on a sleeve and apparently forgot about reading the directions because you can see the finished sleeve looks less "ribby" than the rest of the sweater (between those light grey bands). Whoops. Again, laziness interfered at that point and rather than take out several inches of knitting, I just left it. The other sleeve is better. It's a pitiful sweater. But the sleeve is going quickly and then I get to knit the neck - it's a turtle-necky sort of thing - and then I sew all the bits together and decide what to do with it.

Other happy iTunes news - Lyle Lovett released a new album on the 12th! Now I have to decide if I buy it online, or if I buy the disc. Hard to know. Darling and I are going to see him on the 18th. Should be great fun!

2 hours yesterday, 21 hours total



  1. Pitiful. I have a few projects in my own closet that need a good hard look. Is it a sweater? A baby blanket? a purse? Or is it, maybe, with a little frogging, a lovely skein of yarn. Your sweater looks suspiciously like a cat bed.

  2. I find that most things around the house are cat beds. It's nice that they're such nondiscriminatory creatures.
    The thought of undoing the sweater occurred to me, but then it would have to become something else, and I find it's just easier to let it be a pitiful sweater. Perhaps a sweater dress, given the way the proportions are developing!

  3. My brain is not able to keep up with counting, so knitting is no option at all. I think "pitiful" looks pretty impressive. :)

    Last week, I made tiffin covers for our new lunch kits and scarves/hats for the girlchild and her friend. All out of fleece. Oh how I love love love fleece. Cut it, put it together. It doesn't unravel, and it hides most sins.

    Now I've just cut out a pair of light weight corderoy pants. Keep up your good work! You are inspiring progress...
