Saturday, January 2

Blogs away!

This is a blog to help my sister and I get some momentum going on our various sewing projects that we generally ignore. For example, she promised me a quilt when I graduated from something (in 2003). I promised one of my best friends a little sampler when her child was born (the child is now 4). Clearly we need help.

So, here are the ground rules, as currently defined:
- We each keep a record of time worked on different projects, and post updates/finished pictures as appropriate.
- Each month we tally up the time worked.
- Every 3 months, the person who has invested the most time gets 3 jars of Roberto's salsa, the best salsa in the world (see link).
- There may be a bonus for actually finishing a project? To be decided.
- Shopping for materials doesn't count towards the time, or washing fabric, but pretty much everything else.

Our projects are listed on the right, so you can see what we're up to.

And now, the gloves are off! Or the thimbles are on? Sew, sew, sew!



  1. i would love to be a part of this!

    do i need a way to post pictures?

    Can I start right now? I'd like to make a quite depicting the journey I am currently going through with my terminal illness. I had to quit my job a few months ago so this would be really positive for me! And I have nothing else to do!!!!

    BTW, this is Monica Phillips at Palmer. I saw this on FB. My daughter is Maggie. I have 2 blogs on blogspot for family and classroom. they are a bit behind with all my heath issues.

    I can't wait to hear more.


  2. Wow - that would really be a fantastic and meaningful project. I think we would be delighted to post a picture when you are done. Is that good inspiration to drag out the needle and thread?
