Monday, February 22

Babies everywhere, rejoice!

Baby blanket 1 has fallen victim to the same fate as BB2: the ends are tucked in, and it is ready for baby action! This one is nearly perfect, except for a slight shortage in the light green which had to become medium green briefly (at the top, near the middle). This one is super fun because two of the blue stripes (4th from left; 3rd from right) are made with very soft and fuzzy yarn. Hopefully baby James will find it fun to play with. Or drool on, whatevs.

1.5 hours to add to the pot, so I'm at 98. I've got to make the choir program this week, Margie, so it should be a good opportunity for you and your waterfowl to take the lead.



  1. You seem to have a parallelogram instead of a rectangle...

  2. hey, meanie! It's a bad angle. My digital camera is actually my laptop, so it's hard work to hold the computer upside down. :P

  3. How do I get in on the fun? I have 2 weeks off and need to finish up an outfit for Sarah and organize my pictures!!!
