Wednesday, January 6

What I learned a day later

First of all, let me clock in another two hours on this pink scarf. I did convince myself to make it as long as I originally meant, and still only have 157 rows to go. Yippee! Now the big question I have to ponder is whether on not to put fringe on it. Ah, the big mysteries of life...

What I was thinking about is that it took me two hours to do 37 rows, which is really only 18.5 laps.* So what I learned is that I am a much faster swimmer than knitter, cause I just swam 16 laps in 20 minutes on Monday (and I thought that was slow!).

Maybe I'm thinking about knitting as doing laps because the winter olympics are coming up (even though swimming isn't in the winter olympics). It could also be related to the seemingly new and definitely annoying habit of college football commentators to discuss football as if it was baseball: 'look at that line drive!' 'what a strike!', etc. Are they somehow unaware of what sport they're watching? It is bizarre. Aside from this weirdness, I like having sports on while I'm working on my projects, because it's like listening to the radio until a big play happens, and then you hear them get all excited and so you know to watch the replay. I should really subscribe to a sports channel.

I'm going to start taking my knitting on the subway so I can get in more minutes. How did you work for 4 hours yesterday, Margie??


* I did also tuck some loose ends away, which is simultaneously fun/mysterious and shockingly boring/repetitive, so it wasn't the full two hours knitting.

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