Monday, January 18

I Got Nuttin'

I worked on the Pitiful sweater for two hours.

I also hosted a party for Darling and The Boy's soccer team after their 8 am game Saturday. I recovered from the party, purchased a birthday present, forgot about Middle's dance class at 2, took Smallest to a birthday party, read Syren (a Septimus Heap book by Angie Sage!), picked up Smallest, prepared dinner, fed children, took Middle to see Fiddler On The Roof (wonderful!), slept and slept and slept Sunday morning, made breakfast, cleaned house, took Middle to her riding lesson, made dinner and put kiddos to bed.

I'm starting to think I need to come up with some weekend diversions for Catherine...

2 hours Sunday, 23 hours total. I need some big days this week.



  1. Don't feel too bad. I've got a ~10 day trip planned for the second half of March, so I need to stockpile some hours before then!

  2. Middle LOVED Fiddler. I think we have a budding musical fanatic on our hands. Heh heh heh! Perhaps she's ready for Singing In the Rain, or even, The Sound of Music? So many to choose from...

  3. Oh!!!! Don't tempt me - I will overwhelm her with musicals. Hooray!!
