Saturday, April 15

Achievement unlocked: Napkins!

Ta-da! I have finished the napkins.

One nice thing about completing this project is, of course, getting to put these in the mail to a good friend, whose family I know will enjoy and use them (which will save some paper towels from going in the garbage, yay!). 

The other nice thing is that, having now gone through the process myself, I realize that this is a surprising amount of work to just cut squares and sew up the edges. I'm sure others (likely including my mom) can do it a bit faster, but it's still an investment of time and energy, both very precious resources. My mom has made me 2? 3? 4? different sets of cloth napkins, so I will use them going forward with more appreciation for the time she took to create them for me. 

The third nice thing, or maybe a generalization of the second thing, is that it's nice to have handmade things, whether made by yourself or by others. It's nice that someone took the time to create the thing, and were thinking about you and hoping you would like the thing, and then you get to think about them in return whenever see or use the thing. That is a nice connection to have. :)

There are my deep thoughts on a Saturday night!

- Catherine

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