Saturday, March 6

Beatrix Potter, I Drink Your Milkshake!

I finished the cross stitch. I have triumphed over the little bunnies and woodland animals.

This is all due to the fact that the kids had no school today. The Boy had a friend over, Middle went over to a friend's house, and Smallest amused herself with computer games and junky Barbie versions of classic tales.

Oh! I take it back. I have to sew on the little rings under the numbers that you tie the candy onto for proper counting down. I will have to go pick some up tomorrow for sure! At least I'm done with all the little animals!

5.25 hours today, 116.25 hours total.



  1. Cute! I have never seen a birthday countdown calendar...especially with candy attached! Don't tell Hannah... :)

  2. Now I just have to hope that they don't all want their own when they grow up!

  3. P.S. This is the best blog post title *ever*.

  4. I work hard to be witty with my titles. Glad you like it! It captured my pleasure in finishing the project.
