Friday, April 2

Starting Over

So, for April Fool's Day we all goofed around doing not too much and in the afternoon, while the kids watched TV and played on Middle's iPod I got to stitch.

I'm working the border on the needlepoint rug, which takes longer than I expected. There are 8 bands around and I've finished four, started on the 5th. I plan to finish this before we leave Houston on Monday, but then again, I just may not.

I did finish the Christmas Wreath cross stitch that I started back in January at a car wash, so that was cool. When we get home, I'll post a picture of it.

Looking forward to the next quarter here. Of course, now we're getting into outdoor soccer season, which both The Boy and Smallest are playing, the upcoming end of Choir in May, dance recital in June, with lots of rehearsals and such, the end of school in June, lots going on.

3.5 hours Wednesday (no foolin'), 3.5 hours total.



  1. I think you mean Thursday? Or is that really the April fool's joke? :)

  2. Wednesday,'s all a blur. We're on vacation. It was on Thursday, because we were at Space Center Houston on Wednesday and I was losing to you!

  3. ha ha. Today was a blur for many of us (me and my coworkers) because there was big confusion about whether we were supposed to be on vacation or not (all our UK coworkers are off, and it's the first gorgeous sunny day in ages). Ah, sunny days. :)
