Tuesday, April 6

Returnin' On A Jet Plane

Well, the Horde is back in Calgary. A lovely, uneventful trip back. Always a good thing.

I feel crummy today, not sure if it's the lingering effects of evil Houston tree pollen, or just something I got on the plane. Hopefully it will pass soon.

No school today, nice to have a day for all to recover. Taking The Boy to the orthodontist as soon as he brushes his teeth.

2.5 hours Monday, 9.5 hours total.



  1. But what did you do for 2.5 hours?

    The weather here is just too nice for sewing. I may let you win this one in a rout. :)

  2. I worked on the dollhouse rug. Haven't done anything but feel crummy and try to pick up the house since we've gotten home. Tomorrow will be better.
    Don't forget you have to post a picture of the shawl!
