Saturday, April 10


Not the creepy TV show, but the edge of the rug.

I noticed that the rugs my grandmother made for my dollhouse had fringe, so I'm putting it on the new rug. It also looks like they glued the canvas to the back of the rug, so hopefully that will work. I'm worried about the canvas unravelling, but I'll just have to be brave. I've already cut some corners off.

Tomorrow is Middle's 9th birthday. How is that possible? At any rate, we're having her friend party tonight, a sleepover with two lovely girls. Should be fun, with late night giggles to boot! The Boy has arranged to sleep over at his friend's house across the street. Too many girls in the house for his liking. One day...

Given the nature of late night supervision looming this evening, I should be able to finish the fringe and glue the back tonight, so I can post pictures.

Catherine received her present - a lovely shawl of varigated reddish-brown bouclé yarn - to keep her warm at work. She'll post a picture of it some day :) After tucking in the ends, I have about 8 inches of leftover yarn. It turned out well.

Smallest is sad, our Very Old Cat just scratched her. I could hear the cat making more and more unhappy meows and Smallest has yet to believe that the VOC might not want to be bothered. Off to tend the wounded.

45 minutes Friday, 12.75 hours total.


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