Tuesday, May 31

Mohair mania!

I'm sorry, but I have a tiny bit of hoarding to report. Sunday (1 hour 20 min) and Monday (5 hours 10 min) I worked on the blue blanket for my friend, to the overall tune of 6.5 hours. The really fun thing about the work I did on Monday is that Evil Twin and I decided that we should take turns doing one block at a time (each pattern block is 6 rows), so that it will really be from the both of us. Evil Twin is just a little bit slower than me, but we are good relay partners. So he also worked many hours that day, with the result that the blanket is nearly done!! Just one block left and then a 10-row border to match the other end; we don't think there's enough yarn for two blocks. And we do have to tuck in all the ends, though we need to buy an enormous needle for that - the yarn is ~1/3 inch thick. The side effect is that Evil Twin's house was fairly covered in mohair dust - it was all over our clothes, socks, hair, and definitely the floor. We spent a good amount of time pondering what alternate purpose the mohair could be used for, but didn't make it very far.

Hopefully my next post - needle pending - will be to show a lovely finished product!

7.75 hours for me.