Saturday, April 17

Back in the saddle again...

Well, after a long hiatus in which I did some of the work I actually get paid for, and did my taxes, and generally mucked around, I am glad to have something to post.

First up: pictures of the fabulous shawl! I've included a shot of the beautiful yarn in the closeup, and how nicely it wraps around me in the second. I actually had a most frustrating week at work because our office is never the right temperature, so this is a wonderful gift. Thanks, Margie!

On my own stuff: today I wanted to do something mindless while I caught up on my silly TV shows, so I started my next knitting square, and got about halfway done. 2 hours for that.

In other fun news, the interwebs tell me that there is a great fabric store not far from me, so I hope to check that out soon (to get interfacing for a dress and new fabric for my quilt squares, as well as restocking sewing machine needles and some other stuff). Also, I'm going to join a local car share place here soon, so that will help me get to the fabric store I already know about (which is good but far, far away).

4.5 hours for me!


  1. Did you get rid of your car? I know you were thinking about it.

  2. Yes, it's in the works. Boston has a nice car share program, so I will likely sign up for that. :D
