Wednesday, March 10

Holy knitting, batman!

I forgot to tell you a funny story. I was on the subway, knitting, and this guy gets on at North Station and says "whoa, are you knitting??? Because this other woman on the train I was just on was knitting too. It's like National Knitting Day, or something." He was very impressed with my very basic little pink (at that time) rectangle, even though the other woman had apparently been knitting something that looked to him like it was going to be a giant lace curtain. 

Anyway, that was March 3rd. There seems to be a 'knit in public' week in June, and a National Knitting Day in the UK (at least in 2006), but is it possible that no one has claimed National Knitting Day in the US?!? I thus plant my flag - 3/3 is henceforth so titled. Sir, esquire, my ladyship (I figured some fancy lingo might help to make it more official).

I did just discover that National Quilting Day is coming up on March 20th. Too bad I'll be on the road, so no sewing machine handy. But wait! My knitting is for a knitting quilt. Happiness abounds.

All this silliness was really to say that I knit for 55 minutes today. I am too tired to knit for 5 more minutes, so I'll even things up tomorrow.

116 hours, 55 minutes for me.

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