Sunday, May 16

A pink of my own

Well, I'm about halfway through the 8th square, and about to start on the third-to-last skein of pink yarn. I probably need to finish this square today/tomorrow, and do the 9th square during the rest of the week, so I can assemble them on Saturday. Yikes! I am running out of time.

I have also had the idea to use this weird pink fabric that I have (kind of a mesh, and very bright color. What was I thinking when I bought it??) as the glue that holds the squares together. I'm not sure how that would actually work, but the idea of mixing the yarn and fabric is appealing.  

I also was thinking recently about this funny creature that I made for my sister's children some time ago, which was supposed to be a bunny or lamb or something, but when they received it they unanimously thought was a tooth. Maybe it would be cute to make another unidentified soft object to go with the quilt? It would be a nice change from knitting, anyway.

2 hours today, 15 hours 15 minutes so far.

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