Sunday, March 31

Muddling along

A few updates since last post:

1. The bugs have finally been handed off!! It seems that the recipient liked them. I forgot to take a picture, though - will get one next time I'm at their house.

2. I forgot I have one other mending project in process - another dress that I'm turning into a skirt (this time partly because it would be better suited on someone not so tall and because the top was just not my style). That is first on the list for when I next pull out the sewing machine.

3. I started picking out cross-stitch thread for three things I've been wanting to work on (one of them being the 2008 project). The patterns I'm working from don't give you thread numbers, so I'm having to look through all of the thread I have and guess what the best matches will be, which also triggered an overall sorting of the thread since many were floating around in a colorful mess. I finished the organizing and got through picking colors for two of them. The 2008 project (a baby announcement for a child that's now 16 years old, good grief) also needs some redesigning, so I don't even know what colors I'll need yet.  

4. I had a little sewing time during some webinars, and made some quilt progress. See? The pink and yellow were partly done last time, and I wasn't in the mood for more long seams after I finished the pink so I started the purples. I've got two trips coming up in April, so perhaps I'll make some more progress on those. :)

5. Not at all sewing related, but celebrating: We got our windows replaced in the summer of 2021, and the edging of the new windows was plain wood. We painted two of the windowsills right away, but for some reason the others just ... escaped. FINALLY I painted them all yesterday. Here is the big bay window with all it's happy plants, looking pretty (the edging on the back door to the left is also newly painted). 

Full flowers: 7/64 done (2 started)

- Catherine

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