Saturday, July 22

Catching up

You have posted so much!

What do I know... if I were closed, I'd stitch your green stuff!  After the heat in Texas this summer, moving closer to you sounds better and better.

I've been working on the blanket (this one) and sweater for another baby.  I finished the blanket last week.  It was fun to do.  I would make one in a chunky yarn and make it a little bigger to give to big people.  Could be fun!

I had to do some CITI training for responsible conduct of research (so timely with the resignation of Stanford Univ's president for being naughty) and I discovered it was easier to pay attention if I knit while listening and reading the slides.  It was not a pattern requiring a ton of thought.  I got the body done and need to do the collar and sleeves now.  I want to block it before doing the collar, so maybe I'll do the sleeves first.  The pattern is Elwood.  I'm making the 6 month size, and I got gauge on my swatch, but it seems larger than expected.  No worries, as babies grow fast.  It will all be fine.

I took the blanket with me on our recent trip to camp in the Canadian Rockies and that helped get it over the finish line.  We only had a fire one night so nothing smells like smoke.  

What's coming up... I'm heading to see Smallest dance in her summer intensive at the end of the month (and return the roommate's cat).  If I haven't finished the little sweater by then, I should definitely finish on that trip.  After that there are some sweaters to be made, I bought some fabric and a pattern for a dress that I need to do.  Smallest and I might make her another skirt.  I should post the skirt she made back in June.  If you don't look closely at things, it looks really good.  It was definitely a first project skirt.  She loves it though, and that's the most important part!

The Boy is in Japan with his dad and it looks like they're having a good time.  A relief!

Here is a random carrot for your entertainment!

I forgot to mention my accident while hiking.  I twisted my ankle the first day we were hiking in Banff.  I could walk on it afterwards, and got a brace to wear for our further adventures, but I did follow up with my doctor and I tore a ligament.  Hopefully there will be some healing this week, otherwise there may need to be some surgical intervention, which I'm not super excited about.

Happy Penultimate day of the Tour de France!

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