Saturday, October 23


So...I broke out the sewing machine tonight to work on, of all things, a frontal for the altar at our church. For those not in the know, a frontal is a lovely cloth that covers the front of the altar. Sunday is Covenant Sunday for us, the day that everyone turns in their pledge cards so we can set the budget for 2011. I'm in charge. I asked the Creative Arts Guild at our church to help me and they turned me down, so I'm making the frontal.

It's going to be like a Martha Stewart ribbon billboard so that we can tuck note cards on the frontal. I finished the body tonight and need to put all the ribbons on tomorrow. It has to be finished by around 6 tomorrow so that the church can be all set for Sunday morning before Sunday morning starts. No pressure...

I'll take a picture when it's all set up in church. I think it will be verry nice.

Today at work, I got to babysit a photographer and his assistant. It made me tired, and not very appreciative of whiny grad students.

2 hrs. for me!


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