Saturday, June 1

Quilt math

I have been thinking more about my question from last week, whether I can even get through all of the flowers for this quilt this year (I dare not aspire to finishing the quilt top, since I don't even know what fabric I'm using for the white hexagons in between, and they will be so much work...). I've got 30.5 weeks left this year, and 53 flowers still to finish, so I should aim to finish at least 2 per week whenever possible (understanding that there will be at least 4 weeks when I don't meet that in full or in part). Oof!!

In bad news, this past week was not an exemplary week along those lines - I made progress on the red flower (see?) but that's it. 

In good news, I am about to go on big vacation #2 for the year, and will have time in the airport/on planes to sew. Need to make sure my little sewing light is all charged up. :D

Full flowers: 11/64 (4 started)

- Catherine 

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