Wednesday, June 12

Quilting while wandern

Well, I had very good intentions, but I was clearly overly optimistic about how much sewing I would get done on the trip - most nights, rather than sewing, we were thinking about logistics for the next day, or getting in a few puzzles before collapsing. Most mornings, we were just trying to get out of bed, given the 8 hour time difference. However, I did do some sewing on the way over and A LOT OF SEWING on the flight home, so I am pleased to report some progress!

The most entertaining thing to report is that I tried to time myself sewing one flower from start to finish (to assist with my quilt math of last week). The purple one in the bottom corner is the result. I didn't time it perfectly (there were times that I got distracted and didn't stop the timer, and other times when I had stopped the timer and started sewing again without restarting it; hopefully those come out in the wash). I was also not 100% focused on sewing all the time, as I was watching movies too, but I don't think I frequently sit down to sew with a single-minded focus on hexagons, so that's probably realistic. All told, it came out to just over 4 hours. I may try that again just for a second data point, but it's useful to know I have somewhere on the order of 200 hours of sewing left to finish the flowers. Oof/yay?

6 more flights coming in the next 3.5 weeks! Watch out, flowers.

Full flowers: 12/64 (8 started)

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