Friday, May 24

Quilting in the land of the midnight sun

I have returned from vacation, to a destination in the north! Not the same place as last year, but still SO MUCH SUNLIGHT. Thank goodness for blackout curtains. 

I was delighted to discover (on an afternoon when Evil Twin was napping, so no pressure to be speedy in my browsing, even better!) a quilt store in one of the little towns we were in, including some fabric swatches with designs from local artists (mostly fish) and a fish applique! It's like the local culture is strongly linked to fish or something. :P

I also did get in some sewing on the trip up, and have had several hours to sew this week while watching some season finales and webinars. Making progress, see!? 

My first post that I can find about these hexagons was January 13, when I had 3 and a bit done. Will I be able to finish them this year??

Full flowers: 11/64 done (4 started)

- Catherine

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