Sunday, May 21

A new hope for the quilt

I’m so pleased with my efforts this week - I have designed and executed a new quilt top that is not as horrible as that crazy thing I made before. 

Here again is the original awful thing that my evil twin must have created:

I decided that I liked the outer two rings, but that the purple and bright red had to go. In looking for other brick red kinds of fabrics, I also discovered that I had a few scraps left of the material from the second ring, enough to replace the two pieces in that round where I had initially put in more fabric from the second round (in the top notch of the heart and the bottom corner). 

Here are a few photos of me testing out different combinations, as there were many nice fabrics to choose from:

Here is my supervisor helping me. He only messed up the pieces a few times, and fortunately I had taken a photo of all the pieces laid out nicely, so easy to fix.

And here are a few other "in construction" photos taken throughout last weekend/last week:

And here is the new quilt top, finished yesterday! I'm so happy.

Now I need to decide whether to do a larger border (the same width as the squares) or just cap it off, and come back to the question of how exactly to quilt it. I had an idea before, but might have changed my mind while I was working on it this week. However, the new idea is both vague and much harder than what I was originally thinking, so... we'll see. I am excited to have regained momentum, and will do more next weekend!

- Catherine

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