Saturday, May 27

A clean start

Yay for babies and blankets and cats!! So much fun stuff going on down there. 

Yes, I was referencing Star Wars. :D

This week's update is cross-stitching from the plane. These irises are in the bottom right corner, opposite from where the other purple flowers are. I should be able to finish this block on my next trip!

We have some visitors coming tomorrow, so I also had to clean my room. In picking up, I was reminded that there are a few projects that I have finished but don't know what to do with and/or that I haven't worked up the courage to finish (like, I want to try making a pencil case, incorporating a little llama that I made, but have not done that before and can't seem to find a set of instructions that I like). And, of course, I am trying not to get distracted from the quilt! Too much fun stuff to do.

In related news, my work paid for us to get a particular personality assessment done, and I have officially learned that I am good at ideating but not so good at executing. That would explain why I have a million projects in various states rather than just a couple in progress and the others either done or not started. Sigh. A tip that I received is that I can strengthen my ability to do things I'm not normally good at by tying them to things I am better at, so I will have to ponder that a bit.

I am also so excited to be in the same place as you - just a week away! <3

- Catherine

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