Tuesday, April 25

Chaussette c'est fini!

Well, at least the current pair of socks are fini.

I finished Jeff's socks last week.  They still need a bath to relax them a bit.  I used up every bit of the grey, and got the yellow almost the same on both socks.  My plan was successful.

I also made another tiny sock for Cannoli the Cat, who belongs to Marjorie's roommate and likes to play with wool socks.  I think that Cannoli is coming to stay with us for a couple of months this summer, which will be very fun.  She is a cute cat.

Our neighbor told us in February that they are expecting Baby #2, so I thought I should make something for them.  I didn't make anything for Baby #1, so I'm hoping to be able to make two things before May, when the little one is expected.  I am a sucker for these huge gradient yarn things, and I happened to see some at the fabric store when I was getting fabric for new pants.  So now I'm working away on a blanket.  I have a trip coming up next week to go see Smallest perform (or at least I'm hoping she'll perform, she's in the second cast, so we'll see...) so that should get me plenty of knitting time.  I'm working it from the center out, and I'm going to do a different pattern with the yarn for each color band.  It will provide amusement!

Other than that, I've got fabric cluttering up the table at home.  I need to find some time to make stuff.  

The Fish quilt is great!  You've done a wonderful job with the quilting.  I am not so accurate.  I don't have any Mom napkins (or maybe just one set?) but I do have some placemats woven by Middle and those are pretty cool.

That's all I know!


1 comment:

  1. Yay for socks! They are so cute. Handy that Cannoli's sock is so brightly colored - hopefully that will be harder to lose. And yay for quilts! Apparently it was a hit with the recipient. :D
