Saturday, February 11

A border blunder

Well, I was all excited to dive into the border today, but didn't stop to plan it very well. I had originally thought I might do a diagonal edge at the corner where the border strips intersect (I know there is a name for that style, but I forget), but decided to make it simpler and just have each strip flow into the next one. But, I forgot to leave extra width on the first one and then cut the fabric before I got around and realized my mistake. 

I decided to finish the last seam to see how it looks and... yep, it's lame (compare the top right corner vs the rest). I don't have a lot of the purple left, so the only solution available is to truncate all of the strips and make the corners into separate squares. The rest of the purple fabric was also in the pile where Nairo was sleeping, so I'll throw that in the wash today and hope to rectify this tomorrow!

In good news, I think the plain purple border does make the chaotic interior feel a bit less chaotic, so I'm making some forward progress. :P

- Catherine

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