Monday, February 16

The quilt(wo)man cometh

So exciting! Yesterday I sewed together the fabric for the back of the quilt, which was all I had planned to do. But, with the back all ready, it was so easy to keep going, sewing the quilt top, batting, and quilt back together around the edges, about ~1/4 inch from the edge of the quilt top. Today I'm going to fold over the quilt back onto the quilt front and stitch it in place. I have one edge already pinned in place (see? here it is hanging from the ironing board; the pinned side is on the right), and it's really starting to look like a finished product. I spent 4:40 hours doing that.

I also worked another 2:10 hours on the cross-stitch. It's already starting to be rewarding, as the shape of the creature comes into focus... see?

Total = 6:50; 49:10 this quarter.

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