Sunday, February 15

Something old, something new

Yesterday was an adventure in black borders - I ended up using three different black fabrics to complete the box around my 9 squares (I could have used only two, but it would have necessitated more of the stretchy fabric, which was not as annoying as I expected but still annoying). I also finished undoing some seams on the fabric for the back, which I am ready to sew up today! So exciting. All of that took 3.5 hours, as I am slow with a seam ripper (especially when the fabric is thick and a bit stretchy).

For a bit of a change, I also started a cross-stitch that I was supposed to have finished by now (a family project). It is cute, and I think it will go quickly as I get back into the cross-stitching groove. It is on linen rather than dedicated cross-stitch fabric, which will make it look much nicer but also means it takes longer counting all the threads. I spent an hour on that before I turned in for the night.

I have the next two days off and will mostly be inside due to epic snowfall, so I'm hoping to have some good quilt pictures by the end of it!

4.5 hours, 42:20 hours overall.

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