Sunday, September 15

She's going the distance

Whenever I hear the phrase "going the distance," I think of the band Cake, which was a very divisive topic among my graduate school colleagues - one guy in particular LOVED them, and most others who had any opinion HATED them. I fell in the "HATED them" camp, but I've mellowed over time. :) And it seems an appropriate title for the second half of the full flower efforts!

It's been a month with no posts, and almost no sewing, sadly! 

Margie, congrats on all your projects, including the Spanish! I decided to take a break from my language learning in ~August 2023, and have yet to regain momentum. The stripey shawl is beautiful! The scarf is so fun! The socks are fabulous! I like your plants, too. Hope Ginny's allergies are under control. 

I do have some progress to report: The green (top left) bits are the one that was in progress a month ago (not much changed there), but I have had a few others join the party, including another discovery of a flower "core" (like in July). I actually discovered at the time that having the core was almost more annoying than not having it, since the way that the inner hexagons were joined together made it extra difficult to move from one seam to the next (which is not a problem with my updated joining-of-strips strategy). However, it's certainly not annoying enough to actually take the seams out!

I've promised myself that I'll refresh my knowledge of other ongoing projects today, and I've realized today that I am WAY BEHIND on my reading challenge for the year (which could work in favor of flowers, if I'm listening to audiobooks, or against, as I have many physical books I am excited to read), so who knows what the next few months will hold! If I did try to get through all of the flowers before the end of the year, I would need to complete 2.06/week from here on out. Hmm.

Full flowers: 32/64 (4 started)

- Catherine

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