Monday, September 9

Quilt like the wind!

 You are doing such a good job of quilting and posting!  Maybe I need to set a time on my calendar to post...

So I last posted in April.  

I finished Spanish 2 and have been using DuoLingo instead.  It has helped with my vocabulary, but I really need to be around people who speak it.  I might go back to class, but I really like having my free evenings.  Decisions, decisions...

I finished the stripey shawl, and I have knit, unknit, and knit more on Catherine's sweater.  There is a current delay while I need to do some math.

Ginny's issues seem to be environmental allergies.  We have spent many dollars to find this out.

I finished the knit along socks, and am making progress on Jeff's scarf.  I think I only have a quarter left to go.  Let me go find pictures!

The completed stripey shawl!

The violets! Still happy, although not much blooming this summer.

Sock 1

Sock 2

Catherine's sweater!

Birthday yarn from Germany (yes?) I am thinking I might be able to make several pairs of short socks out of the two balls I received.
Jeff's scarf.

So that's all for now.  I'm probably going to make some basic socks in a crazy yarn and work on the sweater (and some other things) for the next couple of months.  I don't think anyone needs Xmas knitting.  We'll see if anyone asks.

I'll post again soon with the details of the departure of Smallest to her new place and dance company!


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