Thursday, February 22

A List

Look at you! So productive!  I love those pants.

I took some handknit socks on the plane with us last Friday night to mend the holes in them so they could be worn (if needed) on our trip to NYC to visit Sarah y Javi.  It was satisfying to fix them, and I was glad to have mine for sleeping.  We mostly walked and ate.  Over the three days we were there, I racked up 50,164 steps.  Ta-da!  And I ate several chocolate chip cookies, had an amazing hot chocolate, and some very tasty dumplings!  Yum.

This is the hot chocolate.  It has a ring of toasted marshmallow around the
rim of the cup and is topped with a scoop of whipped cream.  It was good!

Here are my Happy Lucy pictures.  She was indeed a Very Sweet Girl.  I suspect Dad misses her a lot.

I thought it would be fun to list all the projects that I've got planned and in various states of progress currently.  Inactive projects are kept in large baggies because of a moth problem I had several years ago.  It was traumatic.

Here's the yarn for the Anne of Green Gables socks

Here's the Yarn Club shawl.  It came with me on the NYC trip, so airplane knitting fun.  Ginny WANTS the yarn.

Here's the yarn for the True Colors shawl.  Melanie Berg is a designer that I like a bunch, so I'm excited to get to this one!

Here's the beginning of your sweater.  I'm almost done with the ribbing on the bottom.  I work on this before Spanish class, during online seminars, on the weekends, or when I have time before a church meeting.

Here's the new scarf for Jeff.  It is my mindless TV knitting.

Oh!  Here's yarn for a sweater for Smallest as well.  It was not requested, but she mentioned she would like one.  She outgrew her other one.  I also need to make the second Darjeeling top in the green yarn.

Ginny's allergies seem to have died down.  We're also feeding her allergen-free food now, so I'm hoping that it does the trick and we can avoid the dreaded shot.  It's been a month since she went in for her limping, which was diagnosed as arthritis, and she's moving around fine so hopefully that will continue to not be an issue.  Fingers crossed!

Supervisor cat

Examining the bag for yarn

I think that's it?  I have jury duty next week.  Knitting/crochet is not allowed.  Maybe I can take one of my languishing cross stitch projects and hope I'm not asked to serve.  I did serve on a jury once.  It wasn't bad, but I confess I'm not excited to do it again.


P.S. Did you get a small package from me?

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