Tuesday, July 6


 I have a small project bag that's perfect for socks, and I usually have socks-in-progress in there so that I can grab the bag and have it with me anywhere I'm going that I'll have to wait (doctor, car repair, kids' lessons, etc.)  Well, I was packing for a trip recently and realized I couldn't find my little bag!  Crisis!  I was also bummed because I had some of my favorite DPNs in there, and stitch markers, and I was getting close to finishing sock #1 of the pair that was being made with some souvenir yarn from a pattern that I was a tester for, so clearly I needed to find it!

I was worried that I had left it in a public place, and was mentally preparing myself for a permanent loss.  I've been back from the trip for many days and have looked around the house with no success.  Then (you know it's coming!) I took a different car to run an errand.  We have more cars than drivers right now, and I had taken the car in question in for service before I left on my trip.  When I returned from my errand, I checked the back seat to see what else needed to come inside and there, creeping under the driver's seat, was my bag!  Hooray for the bag!  I am happy to have it back.

My recent trip was to take Smallest to a ballet program in New York.  We took a week beforehand to look at colleges in the area.  We had a nice time and I thoroughly exposed her to the NY transit system, as we didn't rent a car.  That has paid off, as she's now scooting about NY with friends from the dance program.  Good stuff.

I haven't been doing much knitting lately, as my shoulder/arm discomfort isn't totally resolved.  We are heading to Spain for my older stepdaughter's wedding, so I feel like I should bring something more than a sock to work on.  I have plans for some yarn, so perhaps I can swatch/start on the shawls before we leave. I need to do some serious sleeping on the plane over, but I should have some time to work on it while we're there.  Things to think about!


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