Wednesday, April 10

It's taking soooooo long!

Well, I have to report that I am missing a magical being to work on my projects while I sleep.  After reading all those fairy tales growing up, this seemed like a more common occurrence than it's turning out to be.

The biggest problem is a lack of free time.  I'm taking Spanish 2, so my Monday and Wednesday evenings are lost por hablo español.  I've added another committee at church, which has monthly meetings and stuff to do in between meetings.  Jeff and I exercise after work every other day, and then it's time to make dinner when we're done.  If we're not exercising, then we walk for about an hour after dinner.  Just not enough time!  I need a time turner!

There have been some trips lately, but I haven't made as much progress as I would like.  Here's where things stand - I have five more colors to go on the stripey shawl.  

I've started the decreases on the waist for Catherine's sweater.  This is the slowest project by far.  I have made more progress since this picture.

I'm almost done with the first ball of yarn for Jeff's scarf.  This is usually my TV project, but we haven't been watching much TV lately.  It's over 2 ft long.  No current picture for that one.

Nothing else has been started.  I did, however, decide to participate in a knit-along, where a bunch of people will all knit these cute new socks "together" online.  They've got short legs, so I think they'll go quickly.  Plus, I always need to use up sock yarn!  

Other excitement... Ginny got sick before my trip to Minnesota.  She had mastitis, probably from excessive licking?  It was not fun.  Jeff and The Boy did a great job medicating her while I was gone.

Smallest gave me some African Violets last summer and they are finally blooming!

Oh!  I have a cross stitch dilemma!  (speaking of cross stitch, I think you need to pick up some 0.5 power reading glasses for your new project!) I have been working on the border and realized I messed up!  I have already ripped out parts of the side twice, and the error is up at the top right corner.  I do NOT want to rip it out again, so I think the answer is to make a corresponding mistake at the bottom left corner?

I think that's all I know at the moment.  I only have one trip this month, to see Smallest in her end of the year performance.  She has been auditioning for companies this spring and has two apprentice offers, so I think she will take one of those over taking another trainee position.  It's either Minneapolis, MN or Manassas, VA!  If we go by the strange coincidence that everyone seems to be 1000 miles away, it's Minneapolis, but we'll have to wait and see.

You're making great progress on all your things!  I am impressed!

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