Friday, April 14

Still socky over here!

Yay for napkins!  I always worry about the cute fabric being too thin to be a good napkin.  Perhaps I need to find better cute fabric!   

Sock progress has been made!  I have about two more inches of the foot before I start the toe.  Yay!  Jeff asked me what I would work on next.  I should probably finish the sweater I started last summer so that I can wear it this summer?  I also have the socks for Smallest and the hat for Middle to think about.

I was able to spend a fair bit of time knitting yesterday because I spent a lot of time at one of the hospitals here.  My college roommate's daughter is here as a freshman and she got very sick and went to the ER.  I went to keep her company and provide parental support.  Initially, it was suspected appendicitis, but it turned out to be a kidney stone!  Nice to have a non-surgical problem.  There were some errors along the way, but it all worked out, and she got to go back to her dorm and sleep in her own bed last night.  I think I got about 3 inches done on the foot, so that's pretty good.

We had a great visit with Sarah and the Madrid contingent.  They are lovely people.  We went to NASA, ate lots of tasty food, and unfortunately did not play any games!  We got too tired at night.

The Boy did his group presentation for the Connor Challenge yesterday.  He said it went well, and they were told they should think about patenting the program.  I think it's been a great opportunity for him, and definitely a motivating and engaging program.

I don't know much else.  I think we have a free Saturday for the first time in a while!  Many things to think about doing...

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