Tuesday, December 13

Twelve Days Left

How can Christmas be that close?  It doesn't seem possible.

Here are my lovely children!

We had a great time in Florida.  The Nutcracker was fun, the little children were adorable, Smallest danced beautifully, there were some challenges with some of the dancers, but overall it was lovely.  I'm so glad we went, and Catherine sure seemed to have a fun time with the kiddos.  They all goofed around on Sunday while we drove to Orlando to see Lauren.  We got to go on a Lauren-guided tour of one of the Disney parks and had a great time.  The rides were fun, and it was just nice to see her.  The Star Wars area was really something.  Very cool.  She'll finish up after Christmas, so we'll see her when she's done with her program there.

Since Middle was on the trip, I didn't work on their hat.  I did start the hat for their person and that is going pretty well.  The swatch got better as I went and the hat is too.  I am remembering why I don't like knitting with dark yarn, but it's just a couple of hats and then I'll be done.  At least the needles are a different color.  Here are the hats so far.  I'm about 1/3 of the way through the patterned part of Middle's hat, and then just a couple of inches into the other, so a ways to go.  That one I can finish after Christmas though, as it will go back to Chicago with Middle.

I did work on the sock some, I'm through the gusset decreases, but I didn't take it on the trip because three projects seemed like overkill.  It was tempting though.

I need to find John's bug.  I think I know where it is.  I also think I need to buy some gold braid to finish it up.  We shall see...

I think that's it.  Hopefully at least one hat will be complete by next week!


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