Monday, July 10

Traveling Knitting

I recently returned from a work/vacation trip that had a good amount of travel time.  Plus time during seminars where I could lurk in the back and knit so that I wouldn't fall asleep.
The meeting started on Monday morning, June 26th, and I started on this sock that evening.  I worked on it a fair bit the rest of the meeting, but mostly Wednesday and Thursday.  We finished the meeting on Thursday, and then I had a long train ride on Thursday night.  More trains Sunday, and the following Tuesday and Thursday.  Then a long plane flight on Saturday and I'm back home.

The picture below is from Monday, July 3.  I texted it to Middle to ask her how she wanted the second sock - the same beginning or different.  She wanted it the same, and then we conversed about the length of her foot.  It turns out that the measuring tape I was using (from a free kit of knitting tools) had an error in printing the inches, and so my measurements were WAY off!  Fortunately we discovered this right in time for me to start finishing the toe of the first sock.  (And before you think I'm extremely clever with the pattern knitting, it's all the yarn - it was dyed to make the pattern.  How cool is that!?)

I've turned the heel on the second sock, and hope to have it finished sometime this week.  Middle is a big fan of socks, and I love how quickly they go!  I still have the Dreaded Scarf to work on for Smallest, but I think that will return to being the travel project.  The sweater for Jeff will still remain an at-home project because it requires too much thinking at this point.  I've started on the sleeves.  The body might be easier to cart around.  We will see.

I should have kept track of my hours, it would be fun to see how quickly the sock went.  We got sock yarn for Jeff on our trip, so perhaps I'll keep track for his socks.


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