Sunday, February 13

2011: Return to sewing mountain

Finally I have done some sewing. With no particular inspiration, I went back to my quilt, and sewed three squares up in an hour. Except, one of the new ones is pretty uneven - see? I have to think about whether it might even get the axe (or the seam-ripper). How many am I supposed to be making again?? Anyway, I've got 4 more squares ready to go, so hopefully that won't take another month to get to.

Also, a very small amount of hoarding: I spent 15 minutes working on my crochet creature during the Superbowl, and a few minutes the day before that helping someone (who shall henceforth be called 'my evil twin') learn how to knit. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I had some secret tips to pass on!

1.25 hours for me!

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