Saturday, March 13

Pain-ted canvas

Okay, after working on this needlepoint on and off for five years now (almost) I have come to the conclusion that I don't like working on painted canvas. I'm happy to work from a chart, but there are just too many annoying things about the painted stuff.

First, sometimes it's hard to tell if a stitch is supposed to be one color or another because of how the paint was applied. Sloppy painting. Tsk tsk.

One of my biggest problems was that there were five colors of green painted on the canvas, and yet, they only gave me four colors of green yarn. Hmmm. That was really what held me up for so long. Trying to decide what color of green to make that fifth color.

Anyhow, I've finished all that green part now and I'm chugging along with the background. I may actually finish that part this weekend, then it's just the border around the edge. It's all pretty mindless and fun. Fill in the blank sewing.

Smallest is excited because she wants me to make her and Middle dresses for Easter. Since we'll be down in Houston for Easter, they can wear more summery clothes than they can up here. Always a treat.

It's awfully quiet over Catherine's way. Hope that means she's not working!

3 hours today, 124.25 total.


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