Friday, September 21

What, Again?

This is from sometime in early June of 2010.  It's been sitting in the drafts, not sure what date it will be published under!

So I squandered my opportunity to put in some serious stitching time Friday. Smallest was having a playdate with a friend after school, so I didn't have to go pick her up. Instead, I dorked around on the computer and did other random non-productive things. Oh well.

The book club I'm part of met last night. Our book was, "Always Looking Up", the latest Michael J. Fox book that spans the 10 years since "Lucky Man." I had great fun explaining the section on politics, which talks about embryonic stem (ES) cells and George Bush's policy on research with ES cells. We're all going out to dinner on Tuesday, which happens to be my 40th birthday.

After all the events of the day, those mentioned above and those left out, I did manage to get in an hour of stitching before a late bedtime. I'm working on Santa's sleeve, which has a swirly pattern like the one I messed up on the body and had to redo. Of course, it's much smaller, but it was still annoying to complete a part of it and realize I had messed it up. Sigh. More unsewing ensued. The resewing was successful.

Off to pick up Darling at the airport soon. This is the first of his last two trips to Calgary.


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