Sunday, August 18

Halfway there!

This post is coming a week late (the photo is from Aug 11), but there has been a lot of work stuff to do. Meaning! I almost met my goal of getting to halfway by Aug 9, and anyway am done and slightly past that now. See?

I am at a science thing now, and have brought my sewing in case there's a good opportunity to get in some hexagons. We shall see. :) I'll also have a fair amount of time on planes in September and October, so I may make some progress there. This is definitely a big project!! 

I did also pull out some of my other projects in progress, and will have to remind myself where they're at. More on that next time!

Full flowers: 32/64 (1 started)
- Catherine

Thursday, August 1

August. Rude.

How is it August already???? I think it should be... maybe February.

Well, we are getting dangerously close to August 9, but I am pleased to report that two flowers are finished, and another two just have two seams to finish (one of which is partially done) before they're done as well! You can see them and my helpful kitty below.

Actually, the two mostly-finished flowers are so close to being finished that I won't take them on my trip at all - it would be silly to finish them quickly and then just carry them around for a week. But I will take the most unfinished flower and a whole bunch of not-yet-started flowers, and see how far I get. 

In unrelated good news, a nearly finished project that I inherited from Mom has found an interested taker! I hadn't finished it because I didn't know what I would do with it, so this will reenergize me. Stay tuned!

Full flowers: 29/64 (3 started)

- Catherine